Community Alliance Programs

​The Community Alliance Programs give companies year-round exposure to city officials while showing their support for Iowa’s local governments.

About Fees & Discounts

The yearly dues put your company in front of those who can impact business decisions in Iowa communities, while offsetting the cost of League workshops and publications. When your company aligns with the League through the Partner Program or Associate Program, you receive discounts on advertising, exhibiting, event registration and much more.

Associate Program – $400 – $500

Our basic alliance package provides discounts on advertising, exhibiting and event registration. Associates also receive complimentary copies of the League’s magazine, Cityscape, the current Directory and much more. Current Associates do not need to reapply to remain an Associate.

Partner Program – $5,500

In addition to the benefits provided at the Associate Program level, the Partner Program gives more ways to interact with city officials. From webinar sponsorship to the Annual Conference & Exhibit this program will position your company closely with cities in Iowa. Maximum of 20.

Endorsed Program – price & benefits vary

The League Executive Board has endorsed several programs that offer unique services to League members. The League exclusively endorses the services these programs offer and provides on-going oversight to ensure quality service to League members. Benefits and pricing vary.

Program Benefits

Each of our Community Alliance Programs offers a variety of benefits.

Partner Program
Associate Program
Electrionic Mailing List
Attend Annual Partner Program Meeting
Conference Package
Includes: Standard exhibit hall booth, 2 exhibitor registrations and full conference registrations, bag stuffer, pre and post-conference mailing labels in Excel
Two Third-Page Horizontal Ads or 1 Full-Page Ad in Cityscape Magazine
Includes: whole ad link in ePub edition
Educational Article in Cityscape
Workshop Sponsor – one location per year
Endorsed programs will be rebcognized at all League workshops
Educational Webinar – one per year
Logo Placed in Printed Directory
Recognition in League Weekly eNewsletter
Discounted Rate on Exhibit Booth and Early Registration at the League’s Annual Conference & Exhibit
One Copy of Current League’s Directory (biennial)
One Subscription of Cityscape, the League Magazine
Ten Percent Discount on Display Advertising in the Printed Directory (biennial), the Annual Conference & Exhibit Guide & Full-Color Cityscape Magazine.
Special Rates for Meetings, Workshops and Publicitions
Link to your website from Service Directory on League website
Company logo can be added without any additional cost
Free listing in Printed Directory (biennial)
Free Classified Ad placements on our website

Latest Publications

Published November 5, 2021

This publication is designed to assist cities begin their annual budget process. Learn about revenues, expenditures, legislation and other budget issues.

Published October 20, 2021

Check out the 2021 New Laws of Interest …

Published October 19, 2021

We asked our members about the League’s services, check out their responses in our membership survey.