2019 Property Tax/Budget Process Changes from SF634

Senate File 634: In Brief
Watch video (8:10) | Talking Points (pdf)
Speaker: Erin Mullenix, Iowa League of Cities and ISU Extension
In 2019, the Iowa Legislature passed SF634 which creates a new budget process for cities related to the Maximum Amount Certified To Levy. 

Senate File 634: Quick Calculator Tool
Watch video (9:28) | Quick Calculator Tool Download (xlsx)
Calculator Instructions (pdf) | Sample Calendar (pdf) | Marshalltown Budget Example (pdf) Per City Calculator results if SF634 were applied to FY19 budgets​ (xlsx)

Speaker: Erin Mullenix, Iowa League of Cities and ISU Extension​In this video, you’ll walk through the League Quick Calculator to help cities estimate what the 2% threshhold number is for your city and identify other inputs that may also impact the Maximum Amount Certified To Levy.

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