League Executive Board Application

The Iowa League of Cities serves as the unified voice of cities, providing advocacy, training and guidance to strengthen Iowa’s communities.

We recognize the need for strong leadership in our missions and in each of our values. These values represent the shared principles that guide all of our efforts and decisions.

Application Form

The Board is composed of 19 officials from member cities including a president, president-elect, immediate past president, two other past presidents, and 14 directors from various geographic regions and population classifications.

Board members are elected to a two year term and may serve two consecutive terms. Currently, the executive board meets every February, April, June, August, and November, in addition to the business meeting held during the Annual Conference.

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  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • The Iowa League of Cities Nominating Committee determines and presents a slate of candidates for officers and directors to the League membership at the annual business meeting which is held in conjunction with the Annual Conference & Exhibit. Each nominee must be an official from a member city. In the event of a vacancy between annual business meetings, the executive board shall fill the vacancy by a majority vote.
  • Upload your application or CV
    Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, txt, Max. file size: 80 MB.
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