The First Years of Implementing a New Wastewater Plant

   Posted on September 23, 2021

Coralville, IA
Thursday, Sep 16, 2021
   2:00 pm

Come and hear the compelling story of how a city built for the future and what goals it has achieved in Year One. The original Nora Springs, Iowa wastewater plant was built in 1959 and had come to the end of its working life. In March 2019, the city broke ground on its new $8.7 million replacement. Together with their operating partner, PeopleService, they set out to deliver the project and secure the city, and its 1,400 residents, a safe water future. This panel discusses the journey through the decision-making processes and construction of the new plant, including function and mechanics, financing, the commissioning process, and operations planning. They will also discuss how the plant functions today. This is an interactive, Q & A session.


Bob Moen, Sales Representative | Visu-Sewer, Inc.
Chad Meyer, President | PeopleService, Inc.
Steve Robinette, Region Manager | PeopleService, Inc.