Where Do I Begin? How Cities Can Address Cybersecurity Risks Starting Today

   Posted on September 23, 2021

Coralville, IA
Friday, Sep 17, 2021
   8:00 am

Ransomware, malware, and cyberattacks scare you. You’re on board to improve your city’s cybersecurity and fend off these threats. But where should you begin? What are some steps you can take, starting today, that may have an impact? Dave Mims with VC3, who delivers the Iowa League’s endorsed IT in a Box program, will go over the 3Ps (passwords, patching, and people) along with sharing some other cybersecurity tips that your city can implement today. He will also share a cybersecurity roadmap that will give you a guide for addressing cyber threats in the long term.

Dave Mims, Vice President | VC3 | IT in a Box
