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Index of Iowa Laws Pertaining to Cities

An alphabetical topic reference to the Code of Iowa

Events & Workshops

Gather. Network. Learn.

Budget Workshops The annual workshops provide a review of the important factors that affect city budgets while helping attendees understand the s…

It is vital for mayors, council members, and other city officials to understand the essentials of city government. MLA will connect attendees…

Nuisance Abatement Workshop Nuisance Abatement Workshop Our 2022 Nuisance Abatement Conference will be held in the spring. The day-l…

Latest Publications

Published November 5, 2021

This publication is designed to assist cities begin their annual budget process. Learn about revenues, expenditures, legislation and other budget issues.

Published October 20, 2021

Check out the 2021 New Laws of Interest …

Published October 19, 2021

We asked our members about the League’s services, check out their responses in our membership survey.