Sustainable and Action-Based Community Development Plan

   Posted on September 23, 2021

Coralville, IA
Thursday, Sep 16, 2021
   10:45 am

Learn about Orange City’s sustainable and action-based Community Development Plan centered around the three primary facets of community growth: housing, quality of place, and commercial and industrial development. The Community Development Plan will incorporate three specific master plans for the primary facets of community growth and include a series of custom visualizations, project prioritization and phasing, and preliminary cost estimates. The plan will build upon Orange City’s “Vision 2035” strategic plan and incorporate components from the city’s Comprehensive Plan (2020) and Trail Master Plan.

Danielle Propst, Planner | ISG
Earl Woudstra, City Administrator | Orange City
Mark Gaul, Community Development Director | Orange City
Steve Watson, Development Strategist | ISG
